Monthly Archives: September 2014


Since the beginning of his career as a professional luthier, Matt Artinger has built many varieties and styles of guitar, but in the end, he continues to return and revisit what has become the Artinger Standard, a double-cutaway semi-hollow instrument with the distinctive Artinger double cats-eye F-holes. Feast your eyes on this smokin’ version of a Matt Artinger Classic. photo ablogflamey.jpg photo ablogonfire.jpg photo ablogsmokey.jpg


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Isn’t that some beautiful flame on this neck? photo a1blogblue4.jpg


The Godfather, the Grandaddy of them all, the original King of the Jam band, was, of course, Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead! Although he played numerous guitars over the course of his career with both the Dead, The Jerry Garcia Band and numerous others, he is most often identified with the  custom instruments he played later in his prolific life.  Here is Matt Artinger’s unique interpretation, The Garcia Tribute Guitar.
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Raining Singlecuts

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…… Artinger take on a timeless classic, because you can never get too much of a good thing!